Welcome to Dreamerwhale's English Section!
If you are an international customer, this page is for you!
All international products and news will be posted here!
All Special Editions are PRE-ORDERS. Make sure to always check shipping timeline before purchase!
UPDATES on each edition are posted in our BLOG section here in our website. When the official shipping timeline approaches, more precise updates are then posted so customers can follow progress.
We are an ITALIAN based company, shipping prices for Extra EU countries will be higher, so we HIGHLY recommend combined shipping with other orders placed or organize one package with other fellow booklovers in your area.
ANY QUESTIONS: dreamerwhaleboxes@gmail.com

Ali Hazelwood
Dreamerwhale Exclusive Special Edition - SECOND RESTOCK!
We are very happy to announce Penguin has approved a SECOND BRIDE RESTOCK!!
For everyone who has asked us how to collect this special edition, or has signed to our Waitlist, this is your chance to grab your copy!!
Head over to our English Section in our website or click the link in our stories for pre-orders!
READ CAREFULLY description of the product in our website before purchase!! Any questions, send us a dm!
If you have previous orders placed, and want to combine them with Bride to save on shipping costs, send us a Dm!!
Thank you once more to the people who collaborated for this edition!
And of course @alihazelwood and @penguinrandomhouse